
Oh god oh god oh god!
Every time I have exams. I end up wondering if I made the right choice by taking up the courses that I am persuing. When I am done with them, I am sure I made the right choice!! But why every time? This is one big problem with me. I am always not sure about the choices that I make. At the time I make them, like I wanted to buy a liner. Thought I'd check out the brush before buying. Made up my mind completely before leavin, at the store. I wasn't sure what kind of brush was I looking for?
When I go out to buy clothes, I am fascinated by the stuff there (I'd already decided what I needed to get! before coming) and completely completely go off track. End up buyin stuff that I wore for the first and the last time right there in the trial room! I am so bad at makin decisions!
caboodle mix :: , edit post
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